Facebook Events: Sizes, Art and Optimization

Facebook Events

Facebook is always changing, and not always for the good, but here is one change that makes sense.

Now that we are back to larger events, we are creating more events. Somewhere along the way, Facebook decided to resize our artwork to fit on both desktop and mobile. Yay!

Here is one that I started to create for @WiscoMary. As we were checking out other Facebook Events, we noticed that gradients appeared in the background of all the desktop event covers. So we immediately noticed that there was a mobile view (in edit mode) and clicked it to see that the artwork now fits on the mobile version. We just had to make sure and checked our phones to verify that indeed the artwork of the event finally fits on the mobile view.

Whoever is responsible for this needs not only a common sense gold star but a raise.

Thank you to the behind-the-scenes Facebook developer!

Gold Star Award

Facebook Event Size 1920 x 1005 pixelsFacebook Event Size 1920 x 1005 pixels

Facebook Desktop and Mobile ViewFacebook Event Desktop