A Website Hosting Partner
Birds know the safest place to gather, where they can watch for predators that may come their way. The same concept should apply to your hosting.
Hosting needs have changed. These days the hosting of your website requires much more than a monthly plan. We hear in the news every month about another breach of data. Not all break-ins will be reported in the news, and certainly yours will not; however, it is just as devastating. Websites can be open to vulnerabilities when there is an out of date version of your software. This can lead to broken plugins and the dreaded pirates and hackers that want your company information. Maintenance is the first step in keeping your website safe.
WurkHub Hosting
Our service includes a 36 hour backup of all your files. In the event your website goes down for any reason, we have a backup. Make sure to alert us right away; it could be a transformer or an area-wide outage. Regardless, your files have been saved off-site.
We have a knowledgeable team that manages your website. Every week we work hard to make sure your website is up to date with the current WordPress version, plugins, and programs. We keep an eye on spam and suspicious activity. Maintenance is included in our hosting package. As your hosting partner, we want to keep your site in good working order. WurkHub is located in heart of Waukesha, and we are able to serve clients in the Greater Milwaukee/SE Wisconsin area.
SSL Certificates
In 2015, Google stated all websites needed to be mobile friendly or face de-listing on mobile search. In 2017 Google requested that websites that collect any information be encrypted. By encrypting your website, your site is safer for those that visit and safer for you by providing less raw information for data thieves to use. WurkHub will fit your website with an SSL certificate to add that extra level of security. Without encryption, It is like leaving the keys in the car.
Google rewards those that take them seriously. By being mobile friendly and encrypted, the ranking of your website will improve.
Hacked Sites
Ouch. Let’s face it, sometimes sites get hacked. If this happens to you, contact us or call us immediately. 262-207-4828