Building a Strong Brand
Branding is more than simply having a memorable logo or tagline. It’s much more than the product or service that you offer. A brand is a feeling of being mutually connected to something greater – something meaningful.
Building positive communication between you and your followers is the way to build your brand.
Companies that fail in this regard are simply companies. Brands are special. Why would anyone place a brand on their skin? Because the belief in the brand and it’s message are so great it becomes one with them. Can your brand do that?
An International Language
Once a brand is established it should be recognizable in any language. It should be expandable so whether it is an icon on a social media stream or on a large billboard alongside the freeway there is absolutely no question of what the brand stands for.
A brand can be a combination of words, colors, a tagline, and the logo. It’s parts belong to the whole brand identity and should work together. It is important to keep all the parts working together and each has its role in brand building for your company. A brand can last forever even after the company is long gone. Pay special attention to your brand so it will last the lifetime of your company.
Anatomy of a Brand
When a logo is first introduced, it must be easily recognizable, contain the name of your business, and clearly imply what your business does or stands for. In the above example, WurkHub has a toolbox, the name of the company, and that the company is a digital marketing company.
WurkHub uses color to impress that the company is creative, energetic, and fun. Color is an important and emotional part of branding. Once the audience gets to know the brand, we can remove the descriptors and it should still be clear who the company is. Once the general public is knowledgeable about the company’s products and services, we can use just the brand (logo) to identify the company.
Here is a well-known example of stellar branding. Need we say more?
Badge Branding
Sometimes a company is looking for a simple all-in-one look. They may be an online company or small one shop business. Regardless, the same principles apply as to who and what this company is and stands for. Here is an example of a local coffee house’s current and conceptual badge.
Logo Design and Design Concepts
The branding or rebranding of a business should be carefully thought through. The look and message of your brand should be revisited every generation or every 10-20 years. This will keep your business “fresh” in the eyes of the customer that you wish to attract. It will also stay consistent with media changes. Your brand should be consistent across all social and media channels with a consistent look, message, fonts, and colors. WurkHub can create concept branding and logos to help the clients identify what they like and revisions can be made from there. Here are several recent examples.

Sky’s the Limit
Once your Branding is complete, it is time to let the world know about it. WurkHub can design both your print and your digital portfolio. Brochures, business cards, handouts, flyers, packaging, billboards, even vehicle wraps can be designed by our in-house team of illustrators and graphic artist. Stop by or call to see what we have done for others and what we can do for your business. We can be reached at 262-207-4828
Building a Strong Brand…
is more than simply having a memorable logo or tagline. It’s much more than the product or service that you offer. A brand is a feeling of being mutually connected to something greater – something meaningful.
Building a positive communication between you and your followers is the way to build your brand. Companies that fail in this regard are simply companies. Brands are special.
Anatomy of a Brand
When a brand is first introduced it must be easily recognizable, contain the name of your business and clearly imply what your business does or stands for. In the above example WurkHub has a toolbox, the name of the company, and that the company produces social media and digital marketing. WurkHub also uses color to impress that the company is creative, energetic and fun. Color is an important and emotional part of branding. Once the audience knows the brand, we can remove the descriptors and it is clear who the company is, and once the public is knowledgeable about the company’s products and services, we can use just the brand (logo) to identify the company.
Here is another well-known example of stellar branding. Need we say more?
Badge Branding
Sometimes a company is looking for a simple all-in-one branding. They may be an online company or small one shop business. Regardless, the same principles apply as to who and what this company is and stands for. Here is an example of a local coffee house’s current and conceptual branding.
Concept Branding
Many times a client is not quite sure of what they would like to see in a brand. This is not a process that they do everyday and need a place to start. Immediately after a discovery or vision meeting is the best time to discuss branding for your new project. Branding of a business is a big step and one a company may live with for a long time. WurkHub can create concept branding and logos to help the clients identify what they like and revisions can be made from there. Here are two recent examples.
Style Guide/Branding Standards
Once we have your branding finalized, we work to standardize it so anyone who uses it, uses it correctly. A Style Guide is a tidy package containing the details of your brand with colors, fonts, layouts and variations of your brand for different applications. This can be sent to your print, apparel, and sign vendors to get the job done right.

Sky’s the Limit
Once your Branding is complete, let the world know about it. WurkHub can design both your print and your digital portfolio. Brochures, business cards, handouts, flyers, packaging, billboards, even vehicle wraps can be designed by our in-house team of illustrators and graphic artist. Stop by or call to see what we have done for others and what we can do for your business. We can be reached at 262-207-4828