Digital Beverage Boards
Take your brand off the shelf, and put it into the hands of the consumer… On the Rocks, or with a Twist
Paper is Passe. Digital Beverage Boards are attention based subliminal advertising to reach your customer at the point of purchase.
How often have you sat at a bar and wondered… “What would I like to drink”?
The bartenders say, “What can I get you”? Rarely do they suggest a drink, and almost never would they promote your brand directly to a consumer. Here is a chance to be in control of your branded message at the point where your product is being sold. WurkHub can be your front line, always promoting your brand and profits from bar open to bar close.
The cost of advertising can be an overwhelming part of your yearly budget. When you place an ad in a magazine or wrap a truck, even if your targeted audience sees your campaign, they normally are not able to purchase where they come into contact with your message. With WurkAdz, your brand can be advertised right where your product is sold everyday. Take the next step to increase sales and brand awareness with digital beverage boards. Call WurkHub for a presentation and quote. 262-893-9539
A Sweet Challenge – Your Project
Just imagine how your products will look on the big screen. Digital Adz will be trending soon. Be ahead of the curve. Horizontal or vertical, WurkHub can promote the products that you are passionate about or need to post a profit. Subliminal advertizing is suggestive advertising that works.