Adobe Muse Conversion to WordPress? Yes, Help Is Available!
My website was built with Adobe Muse CC and Muse is now discontinued. There was a time when my designer and I were excited to try building a website with Muse. The goal was to offer a value-based product with less programming but still deliver great design and user experience for our clients. So we started with a few projects and they turned out beautiful. We thought we had a winner, however, these websites had no blog and very little SEO value. After building 5 websites we decided that for all future builds we would fall back to our core product. We went back to using WordPress as our platform of choice but leave these attractively designed sites to stay as they are.
It wasn’t long before we received word that on March 26, 2018, Adobe would release it’s the final update for Muse CC and has decided to end future development for this product. That time has come and gone.
Now what? Well, luckily we only had 5 websites to reconsider. Below you will see a conversion from Adobe Muse to WordPress 5.0. We were quite impressed with ourselves to know we now have the experience to convert your website too. WurkHub has a talented team of professional designers and web developers that will help you make the transition to the best platform available to help your business grown and keep your site working properly.
Review the two examples below.
Built with Adobe Muse Built with WordPress 5.0
The original Buena Vista website built with Muse CC is on the left. The newly converted Buena Vista WordPress website is on the right. It is important that your website is converted before problems start to arise. Just like your phone and other technology we must keep software updates on a regular basis to thwart off hackers, broken links, photos, and other security risks.
WurkHub can convert your website in a few days using existing information. This is also a good time to redesign your website, make changes or update content. Call Mary Jane and ask for a quote to find out how reasonable it will be to convert your existing website to WordPress, a platform that will last you for many years.
WordPress has a huge community and is user-friendly for clients. We teach you how to make changes yourself so you are always in control of your content, images, and videos. No nickel and diming here, We are here for the heavy lifting and to be your website partner. We look forward to talking to you soon. 262-207-4828