WurkHub is located at the 5 Points in Downtown Waukesha at 270 W. Broadway, Suite 5, just off Main Street. The City of Waukesha has much to offer during all four seasons, in all kinds of weather, and for every holiday, so check our calendar for local events. WurkHub is a Community Partner and would like to get to know you as part of our network. Bring us your internet, social media or gadget questions and we just may have an answer for you!
Stop in to visit us anytime, and bring treats if you like, we won’t mind a bit. We have a cozy couch and maybe an available desk to use if you feel like hanging out for a while. You can call or contact us, too, 16/7 (we have to sleep sometime!)
Contact Us
WurkHub Affiliations
WurkHub is a Member of:
Wisconsin Restaurant Association
Allied Professionals
MMAC – Milwaukee Metropolitan Area Chamber
WurkHub has Presented at the Following Conferences:
Wisconsin Farmers Market Association
Wisconsin Agricultural Tourism
Wisconsin Apple Growers Association
WurkHub has Won the Following Award:
City of Waukesha Community Building Award – 2018